Why Does My Chainsaw Keep Flooding? (And How to Fix It)

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Chainsaw Flooding Why Does It Happen and How to Fix It

Your chainsaw is a powerful tool that can make quick work of cutting through wood. But when your chainsaw floods, it can be a major pain. Not only is it difficult to use, but it can also be dangerous.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the causes of chainsaw flooding and how to fix it. We’ll also provide some tips on how to prevent flooding in the future.

So if you’re having trouble with your chainsaw flooding, read on for help!

Why Does My Chainsaw Keep Flooding

Why does my chainsaw keep flooding?

Your chainsaw may be flooding because:

The carburetor is dirty or clogged.
The fuel mixture is too rich.
The spark plug is fouled.
The air filter is dirty.
The chainsaw is not properly adjusted.

Why Does My Chainsaw Keep Flooding?

What is Flooding?

Flooding occurs when too much fuel is allowed to enter the carburetor. This can happen for a number of reasons, including:

Too much fuel in the tank:
If you fill the tank too full, it can overflow and cause flooding.

A dirty carburetor:
A dirty carburetor can cause the fuel to be delivered too quickly, which can lead to flooding.

A faulty fuel valve:
A faulty fuel valve can allow too much fuel to flow into the carburetor.

A stuck choke:
A stuck choke can prevent the engine from getting enough air, which can also lead to flooding.

Symptoms of Flooding

If your chainsaw is flooding, you may experience the following symptoms:

The engine will start and then immediately stall.
The engine will run rough or backfire.
The engine will smoke heavily.
The chainsaw will be difficult to start.

How to Fix Flooding

If your chainsaw is flooding, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Check the fuel level:
Make sure that the tank is not filled too full.

2. Clean the carburetor:
A dirty carburetor can cause flooding. To clean the carburetor, you will need to remove it from the chainsaw and disassemble it. Use a carburetor cleaner to clean the parts, and then reassemble the carburetor.3. Check the fuel valve:
A faulty fuel valve can allow too much fuel to flow into the carburetor. To check the fuel valve, you will need to remove it from the carburetor and inspect it for damage. If the valve is damaged, you will need to replace it.

4. Check the choke:
A stuck choke can prevent the engine from getting enough air, which can also lead to flooding. To check the choke, you will need to open and close it. If the choke is stuck, you will need to lubricate it or replace it.

Preventing Flooding

You can prevent flooding by following these tips:

Fill the fuel tank only halfway full:
This will help to prevent the fuel from overflowing.

Clean the carburetor regularly:
A dirty carburetor can cause flooding.

Inspect the fuel valve regularly:
A faulty fuel valve can allow too much fuel to flow into the carburetor.

Lubricate the choke regularly:
A stuck choke can prevent the engine from getting enough air, which can also lead to flooding.


Flooding is a common problem that can be caused by a number of factors. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can usually fix the problem and get your chainsaw running smoothly again.

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FAQs: Why Does My Chainsaw Keep Flooding?

What does it mean when my chainsaw floods?

When your chainsaw floods, it means that the engine is getting too much fuel. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as:

Too much oil in the chainsaw: The oil level in your chainsaw should be between the full and add marks on the dipstick. If the oil level is too high, it can overflow into the carburetor and cause the engine to flood.

A dirty air filter: A dirty air filter can restrict airflow to the carburetor, which can cause the engine to flood.

A clogged carburetor: A clogged carburetor can prevent fuel from flowing properly to the engine, which can also cause the engine to flood.

A bad spark plug: A bad spark plug can cause the engine to misfire, which can also lead to flooding.

What should I do if my chainsaw floods?

If your chainsaw floods, you should first turn it off and let it cool down. Then, you should check the oil level and make sure that it is between the full and add marks on the dipstick. If the oil level is too high, you should drain some oil out of the chainsaw. You should also check the air filter and clean it if it is dirty. If the carburetor is clogged, you should clean it or have it serviced by a professional. Finally, you should check the spark plug and replace it if it is bad.

How can I prevent my chainsaw from flooding?

You can prevent your chainsaw from flooding by following these tips:

Keep the oil level between the full and add marks on the dipstick:

Clean the air filter regularly:

Have the carburetor serviced regularly:

Use a good quality spark plug:

Start the chainsaw with the throttle closed:

Don’t let the chainsaw run out of gas:

What are the risks of using a flooded chainsaw?

Using a flooded chainsaw can be dangerous because it can cause the engine to backfire. A backfire can send hot exhaust gases into your face, which can cause serious burns. It can also cause the engine to stall, which can be dangerous if you are using the chainsaw in a dangerous situation.

How can I fix a flooded chainsaw?

If your chainsaw is flooded, you can try to fix it by following these steps:

1. Turn off the chainsaw and let it cool down.
2. Remove the spark plug.
3. Use a clean rag to dry off the spark plug well.
4. Reinstall the spark plug.
5. Start the chainsaw and let it run for a few minutes.
6. If the chainsaw still floods, you may need to have it serviced by a professional.

About The Author

I am John, and I am the creator of this website. I have been in the woodworking industry for about 5 years. I developed my passion for DIY projects around the house when I was in high school. I have discovered a new appreciation for those who have the experience to pass along their expertise. They know what works best and are able to help others. I am proud to be among them.

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